4 Simple Tips To Self-Love


This is a topic I’ve been wanting to discuss for a while now and one I feel is often neglected. If you don’t know what self-love is, it means having regard for one’s own well-being and happiness and the belief that you are a valuable and worthy person.

As women, our relationships evolve throughout our lives, beginning initially as a daughter and sister to becoming a wife, daughter-in-law, a mother, and many others sprinkled in between. As these relationships grow they become more complex and taking time out for yourself can often be neglected. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago when my self-love journey began. Amidst the complexities of all the different relationships I mentioned above, I went through a moment of self-realization. I realized that if I do not take the time to prioritize myself, no one else will. I alone know what I am going through, how I am feeling, and what I need and it is important that I listen to my body and soul and find what makes me happy.

After this realization, I made some simple but important changes in my life that I want to share with you below:

– Be confident: You are a strong, amazing, and beautiful woman.
I often had the need to seek approval from others to justify my thoughts and opinions. I wanted to receive compliments that would make me feel like what I did was worthy and when I didn’t, it left me feeling lost or incomplete. One thing my husband would often tell me is that “You can please some of the people some of the time … but you can never please all of the people all of the time”, this challenged my previous beliefs and led me to grow as an individual and find validation within myself instead of seeking it from others.

– Make time for yourself:
This can include self-care, meditation, relaxation, exercising, pursuing your hobbies, etc. Honestly, it can be anything that makes you happy. As easy as this sounds, it is important that you block out this time for yourself on a regular basis to help avoid feeling burnt out.

– You are human, it is okay to make mistakes:
To grow as a person you have to realize that you will make mistakes. The important thing is that you learn from them, forgive yourself and move on. Things aren’t always in your control but it’s up to you how you work past them.

– Be thankful, be humble, be gracious:
You are unique and no one else brings what you have to the table. Surround yourself with positivity, give thanks for whatever you have; however little it may be, and be the beacon of light that attracts others towards you.



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